Hosted by Lean / José

This is Selling Smoke!

We believe in the power of experience and knowledge sharing to inspire and uplift others. Join us to learn from our mistakes and moments of revelation.

5: There are other ways

What other ways do we have to approach topics like control, job titles and transparency in a company? The traditional ways we are used to didn’t resonate with us. These are some of the alternatives we’ve found out there.


  • What if a company gives up control over its employees?
    The most likely answer to this idea is chaos, anarchy, that would never work. Giving up control is not about letting everyone do whatever they want in any random and chaotic way, it’s about letting people decide what is the best way to fulfill their job.
    It’s about letting people self-manage, organize their times, manage their own budgets and salaries, choose what roles to perform, select the people they wanna work with, set their own goals, and share the profits of their work. In short, democracy in action.

  • What if there were no job titles in a company?
    By shifting towards autonomous roles, you can fully harness people’s unique abilities and let everyone take ownership of their work. These are some ideas to approach the change:

    • Job-crafting: Create roles based on the tasks the team perform and let the people decide what role to assume.
    • Unlimited training: Let employees decide how to up-skill. They choose their paths and the budgets for their training, with no monitoring.
    • Self-selected mentors: We develop better when surrounded by people we trust, remove internal titles and let people offer themselves as mentors.
    • Internal project marketplace: Instead of job descriptions, projects are the driving force. People take as many as they are interested in.
  • What if there was full transparency in a company?
    Imagine having access to every department’s agenda, knowledge, and goals. Imagine having access to all the financial books of a company, how much comes in, how much gets spent, and how much each employee earns. Imagine how many better and more informed decisions you could make with such information.
